
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Question for Class about Germany

Did the German people know what was happening with the Concentration Camps in Nazi Germany?

the RAF

According to Wikipedia, the RAF (Rote Armee Faktion)  described itself as a communist and anti-imperialist "urban guerrilla" group engaged in armed resistance against what they deemed to be a fascist state.  There were three generations of RAF members.  the first generation of members were the original founders.  Then when those members got in trouble or thrown into jail, the second generation started up and would try to get them out of jail.  The next generation, the third, would do the same as the previous generation, but this third generation also ended the group on April 20th, 1998.  They ended the violence by typing an 8 page letter and faxed it to the Reuters News Agency, according to Wikipedia.  The letter was signed "RAF" with the logo of the group.  The letter confirmed the the group had broken apart and dissolved.   I feel like the RAF did a lot of violence for political reasons.  I feel like the terrorists that we hear about today are doing it against people that they don't like, not so much on a political level.  I could be very wrong about this but I just feel that groups of people are doing it to each other just out of hate.

Red Army Faction- Wikipedia
RAF Picture

Baader-Meinhof Complex

The movie we watched on Monday was... interesting.  There were some things that I didn't really like about the movie.  There were so many characters to keep up with and I never knew who was who and who was doing what.  I really like that we got to watch the movie in German.  I really like being able to watch the movie in the language it was produced.  It made me feel like the movie was more unique than the movies we are all used to watching here.  I understand that the movie had a lot of characters and that they were all demonstrating for the same cause but I just found it very confusing.  The movie had a lot of unique situation and scenes.  One of my favorite scenes was when they left the country to train.  I think it was funny how they were naked on the roof and all the men were staring at them.  The movie was informational, never boring and kept my attention.  It was a very long movie, but by the time I looked at the clock, it was already 7 and I was still hooked.  I think it was a great idea to show this movie to the class.  I think when most people think about terrorists and violence, they think of the middle east, which is sad but true.  I'm glad that we got the opportunity to see how violence around the world is different and how it has changed from over the years.  Overall, I enjoyed the movie and would definetly watch it again.