
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Anna Louisa Karsch

Anna Louisa Karsch (Anna Luise Karsch) – 1 December, 1722 to 12 October, 1791
·         Father was a beer brewer, mother was an inn-keeper; very poor
·         She was an autodidact, meaning she taught herself.
·         Sent to live with her great-uncle, who taught her to read despite protests of her grandmother
·         Mother took her home to hinder to education, convinced it would drive her “insane”
·         When she was 10, she met a sheepherder who gave her books to read, but she had to hide them from her family
·         Married young but her husband was abusive; separated and married again soon after, to an abusive drunkard
·         A poem written for the widow and daughter of a nearby innkeeper got her recognition from a schoolmaster
·         Began to write poems for weddings and celebrations
·         Wrote many praises of Frederick, the Prussian King
·         When her two youngest children died, she wrote “Klagen einer Witwe” (Complaints of a Widow), which gained her the notice of Frederick, who took her and her children to Berlin
·         Most known for her correspondences rather than her poems, especially with Johann Wilhelm Ludwig Gleim (30 years longs correspondence)
·         Gained attention from writers such as Lessing, Mendelssohn, Herder, and eventually Goethe
·         Though promised financial security by Frederick, he did not deliver, and it was not until Frederick II that she had a house built for her where she lived till she died

·         Known to her contemporaries as “Die Karschin”
·         Authored or participated in 14 publications
o   Die Sapphischen Lieder (The Sapphic Songs)
o   An die Natur (To Nature)
o   Gedichte (Poems)
o   Neue Gedichte (New Poems)
o   Auserlesene Gedichte (Exquisite Poetry)
o   Gedichte und Lebenszeugnisse (Poems and Life Testimonies)
o   Die Letzten Leiden des Erlösers (The Last Sufferings of the Redeemer)
o   O, mir entwischt nicht, was die Menschen fühlen (Oh, I don’t escape what people feel)
o   Herzgedanken (Heart Thoughts)
o   Die Karschin (The Karschin)
o   Die Gedichte der Anna Luise Karschin mit e. Bericht ihres Lebens (The Poems of Anna Louisa Karsch with a report of her life)
o   Die Karschin, Friedrichs des Grossen Volksdichterin (The Karschin, Frederick the Great’s People’s Poet)
o   Die Spazier-Gänge von Berlin (The Walking Course of Berlin)
o   Ausgewählte Gedichte (Selected Poems)


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